Disrupting technologies often lack useful tools for early customer adoption. Deimos Asset Issuer main concern is providing minimum resources for any individual or organization (anchors) to issue their own asset on Stellar Network without requiring any prior technical skills.
The application concretize the idea that anyone could issue an asset by just following simple steps on a software. This software will reside on a desktop to allow the maximum control, security, isolation and independence from external and central servers.
- Create issuing and distribution accounts
- Create the trustline between distribution and issuing accounts
- Issue an asset and send it to distribution account
- Manage the issuing account
- Manage the asset (inflating supply, revoking access, limit holder accounts, etc)
- Generate stellar.toml file
These core features will be a foundation for a planned set of tools that will enable entities to:
- Create mass requesting for trustlines
- Create mass asset distribution strategies
- Daily use of assets—send and receive— supported by a specialized stellar network assets mobile wallet
Deimos Asset Issuer goal is enabling entities to issue and manage their stellar network assets in an easy and uncomplicated way. Anchors would not have to deal with programming, coding or other technical stuff, they just need to download and use the application to start ICOs, issue social credits, bananas or any Stellar asset.
In an second step the Deimos Initiative intend to conduct a research together with a local community in Caraguatatuba city, São Paulo, Brazil. This research will investigate the use of a Stellar Network communitary cryptocurrency.
Shortly we will post some updates.