lhfly5201314 CarbonMan Hi,friend!Could you show me your whole code about the creating test account? I am stucked for several days!Thanks!
sgehrman I tried for hours, but could never get request, request-promise or request-promise-native to work. I changed the code to use $.get() and it worked flawlessly. I'm on Windows 10, if that matters. Anyone else having problems should try $.get()
lhfly5201314 sgehrman Hi,friend!What do you mean about the $get()? I am a little confused.Could you paste your code here??
dpizzles I had the same problem as CarbonMan. My solution was to just try the request again, it eventually worked! I'm just playing around with the JS SDK in Chrome, all that call is doing is a simple http request, so anyone that is getting a Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined , can simply just go to the url with the addr query parameter EX: https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/friendbot?addr=GAE62FDQJCBBXFAGWDKIQKF6USEANBIXL4JJTMGKG5PYFXW3TADAX7HA
basiltalias Hope this will help, https://github.com/basil2style/stellar_js_tutorials/blob/master/2-validate_account.js
lhfly5201314 umbrel Hi,friend!Why am I still failed to create the account with your code??? Have You tried it yourself?
mohit67890 lhfly5201314 If I'm not wrong, $.get is part of the jquery library for javascript, you can use this library in javascript project to make requests to a server.
mohit67890 There is a problem in friendbot, I am not able to fund a new public key. However, stellar laboratory version works.
lhfly5201314 mohit67890 Hi,friend!I tried the new url given by the @overcat ,it works. You could try it.
overcat @mohit67890 @lhfly5201314 The new url of friendbot is https://friendbot.stellar.org. see https://github.com/StellarCN/py-stellar-base/issues/94 EX: https://friendbot.stellar.org/?addr=GCKTSQICXVVHWWLTJ5FF7HU3A74RRCPWG3SUJX3JF6A3KNBGP7EH3UXT
StellarGuard Just FYI -- it looks like there was supposed to be a redirect but it hasn't been configured properly: https://github.com/stellar/go/issues/367