QuasarK Is there a public stellar node that provide this information fro any public key in a html page?
Eno QuasarK Fed.network provides a API for this: eg https://fed.network/inflation/GA3FUYFOPWZ25YXTCA73RK2UGONHCO27OHQRSGV3VCE67UEPEFEDCOPA
QuasarK Eno Thank you very much for the information. If you paste your public key (or send me by message), I will send you 100 xlm.
tmill1987 Eno Eno please take a look at https://stellarchain.io/ledger/11780399 and let me know if I am able to have these XLM sent back to me. I sent on stellar desktop client using an address populated by btc.com wallet. After inserting the receiving address from BTC.com, the stellar address that populated was GBTCBCWLE6YVTR5Y5RRZC36Z37OH22G773HECWEIZTZJSN4WTG3CSOES, I would be glad to compensate you with XLM for your help.