MisterTicot Hi, How long is this supposed to take? I send a payment the 11 and it still processing. Reading their website I got the impression they had a very fast service. Thank you.
bkolobara MisterTicot They have a chatbox on their website. Usually they are very responsive in it. I suggest you to ask them directly.
cryptobrant MisterTicot Hey, I'm trying to do the same but I don't even know if it's possible. What kind of payment did you make? Thanks
MisterTicot cryptobrant Hey, I finally got the EURT today. It appears I did an error in the setup, also you have to make an account and verify at coins.ph There's a tutorial here: https://tempo.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/19000064373-how-to-buy-eurt-through-an-agent-online-or-via-our-android-app- Be sure to put the bank branch as STELLAR. I paid with my credit card and got the exact same amount of EURT. You should also set your receiving address to trust EURT beforehand. I confirm that the support is good. They got the situation fixed for me. They said they will update the process to buy EURT in few weeks to make it easier.
cryptobrant MisterTicot Hi, Did follow instructions and now its "processing". I do have a question about this: "also you have to make an account and verify at coins.ph" What do you mean exactly? thanks a lot!
cryptobrant Ok, i registered an account on coins.ph, it was easy and fast and maybe it was mandatory, I don’t know. Anyway, I received my EURT!! It was lightening fast buying with Credit card and so cheap (0.5% fee). Good bye other exchanges!!