cryptobrant Thanks! I appreciate the update.
Yeah I do want to add more interaction with account payments including the ability to copy the user address.
I began to introduce this in this version. You can now select a payment from the list and it expands to show you more details. It’s just the date for now but I want to add the memo details and more interactions in the future. This would include things like viewing the user and returning payments (taking advantage of the Stellar Network’s return memo).
Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to get to this before the close of the build challenge and this will probably be my last build before I submit it to the challenge as I need time to put together my submission. However you should definitely expect the regular updates updates to continue with the stuff I mentioned above being top priority.
I have begun to put together the concept of a Rocket Wallet Network where users will be able to list accounts publicly, add names, profile photos and account details. You can see the beginning of this implementation with the Lumenaut account shown in the app.
More smaller features that will be implemented in the near future include adding trustlines within the app, create_account operation (High priority, expect next week), payment confirmation sheet with source account, details and memo field when sending payments.
Sorry this is long but I’m excited for these things I mentioned. If you have any other suggestions please keep them coming!