istrau2 While that's important to have, I believe we should grow our own universe without the need for fiat, just the way Bitcoin started it all and just how most of exchanges work, all in crypto with a few entry points from fiat but everything else run on crypto. Exchanges have displaced Wall Street and we definitely don't need them anymore, we should do the same and give the middle finger to banks, marketplaces etc. I firmly believe in a new world economy, all in crypto.
If we focus too much in only one thing, like anchors, we may lose big opportunities and others will position themselves better just like Ethereum did with smart contracts hitting it out of the park and setting the bar higher. We should fight in all fronts in order to win this fierce battle for world commerce.
Like Ripple going after banks can result in their own demise, Ripple should be their own bank just like we should be our own too. I know a distributed exchange is cool for traders but in reality the technology should be behind curtains in every wallet in order to make seamless operations between tokens and assets so the average user doesn't have to deal with bids, asks, charts, etc.
Again, I am not saying we shouldn't dedicate efforts to SDEX, all the power to the best exchange in the world, but we also should dedicate our fridays to try new ideas and invest in new ways to expand our platform, our universe.