I installed Stargazer 1.5.3 and have been keeping my STR in there for months. I tried to send from it to an exchange for the first time today without success. When I go to the Send tab I do not have the options which the Tutorial tells me I should have. I can see all my tokens on the Overview tab and can provide you with screenshots of both tabs. When I log into the Viewer online with my secret key, I get the message that my account does not exist. Please help.
Cannot Send STR from Stargazer 1.5.3
Can you provide us with your public key that your using for this account. I have never had any problems with stargazer. Remind you that STR on the stellar.org network is called XLM. might you have the asset name confused?
sacarlson Thx for responding. I'm aware of the 2 symbols. I bought STR on Poloniex and transferred all my STR tokens to a local Stargazer wallet (and they show as XLM in the wallet). I now want to transfer some back to Poloniex after several months. I can see all of them in the Overview tab of my wallet but can't send them. It's the only wallet I have, where I can't send from. The wallet also does not seem to have any security, because I cannot sign out of it and when I launch the app it goes straight into the wallet without asking for a password.
My public key is:
How can I share screenshots here?
jjb Upload the screenshots here: https://imgur.com/.
And post a link to them.
The Overview tab of my Stargazer wallet, showing the XLM tokens
The Send tab of my Stargazer wallet, which does not contain the buttons mentioned in the Tutorial. I cannot specify the number of tokens, there is no Send button, it does not have a Show Advanced Options bar etc.
The Settings tab of my Stargazer wallet, showing that password protection is activated, but when I launch the app it goes straight into the wallet without asking for a password.
And when I use the online viewer with my secret key, I get a message that the acc does not exist and it has a 0 balance
I have an issue wit stargazer wallet, can you please help me? I ave some stellar lumens in my stargazer wallet, I have my address and my secret key. I switched my computer, now I am trying to import my account in stargazer wallet with my user name and secret key, it shows a message that account already exist, but it shows 0 balance. Do you know how to restore my account? Thanks!
Fresh install on a completely new computer?
'Account already exists' when importing only happens if the account has already been imported.
Zero balance on a new import can be that you just need to refresh (pull-to-refresh)
Is there anywhere else I can get support for this?
Yes it is a new computer, and actually the imported account says that account is empty, send 20xml to it to activate. But I had stellar lumens in my account. So how do I restore it with a secret key?
dzham Thx for your assistance dzham. When I initiate an STR deposit on Poloniex for a transfer from my Wallet, it gives me an 8 digit Memo ID to use. When I enter this ID in the Send to field in Stargazer nothing happens. When I type Poloniex instead (like you seem to have done), nothing happens either. I do not get access to the other fields.
dzham OK, I think I finally found the missing piece. There was an address field on Polo which I had to expand first. It looks like XLM uses an address for the entire Poloniex exchange and then a memo id to distribute the tokens to a specific account within the exchange (which is indeed different than any other token I dealt with). I'm doing a test transfer now. Thx a lot for your assistance.