I installed Stargazer 1.5.3 and have been keeping my STR in there for months. I tried to send from it to an exchange for the first time today without success. When I go to the Send tab I do not have the options which the Tutorial tells me I should have. I can see all my tokens on the Overview tab and can provide you with screenshots of both tabs. When I log into the Viewer online with my secret key, I get the message that my account does not exist. Please help.

Can you provide us with your public key that your using for this account. I have never had any problems with stargazer. Remind you that STR on the stellar.org network is called XLM. might you have the asset name confused?

  • jjb replied to this.

    sacarlson Thx for responding. I'm aware of the 2 symbols. I bought STR on Poloniex and transferred all my STR tokens to a local Stargazer wallet (and they show as XLM in the wallet). I now want to transfer some back to Poloniex after several months. I can see all of them in the Overview tab of my wallet but can't send them. It's the only wallet I have, where I can't send from. The wallet also does not seem to have any security, because I cannot sign out of it and when I launch the app it goes straight into the wallet without asking for a password.

    My public key is:
    How can I share screenshots here?

      The Send tab of my Stargazer wallet, which does not contain the buttons mentioned in the Tutorial. I cannot specify the number of tokens, there is no Send button, it does not have a Show Advanced Options bar etc.


        The Settings tab of my Stargazer wallet, showing that password protection is activated, but when I launch the app it goes straight into the wallet without asking for a password.


          And when I use the online viewer with my secret key, I get a message that the acc does not exist and it has a 0 balance


          Password protection is for submitting transactions, not for opening up the wallet

          • jjb likes this.


          Fill out the recipient address, the other buttons will appear when you have entered a valid destination address

          • jjb likes this.
          • jjb replied to this.

            I have an issue wit stargazer wallet, can you please help me? I ave some stellar lumens in my stargazer wallet, I have my address and my secret key. I switched my computer, now I am trying to import my account in stargazer wallet with my user name and secret key, it shows a message that account already exist, but it shows 0 balance. Do you know how to restore my account? Thanks!


              Fresh install on a completely new computer?
              'Account already exists' when importing only happens if the account has already been imported.
              Zero balance on a new import can be that you just need to refresh (pull-to-refresh)

                Is there anywhere else I can get support for this?

                dzham Thx dzham. I filled in the memo address Poloniex gave me, but nothing happens. According to the tutorial I should go into the Advanced Options Bar for that, but there is no Advanced Options Bar

                  Yes it is a new computer, and actually the imported account says that account is empty, send 20xml to it to activate. But I had stellar lumens in my account. So how do I restore it with a secret key?

                  dzham Thx for your assistance dzham. When I initiate an STR deposit on Poloniex for a transfer from my Wallet, it gives me an 8 digit Memo ID to use. When I enter this ID in the Send to field in Stargazer nothing happens. When I type Poloniex instead (like you seem to have done), nothing happens either. I do not get access to the other fields.


                    You need to paste the poloniex address, the memo comes later.
                    I have Poloniex saved as a contact, that's why it reads that way.

                    • jjb replied to this.

                      dzham But which Polo address and where do I get it? When I click on STR/Deposit to get a Poloniex address for STR in my acc there it only gives me a memo ID nothing else. Getting an address this way is the same for all exchanges, all tokens and all wallets I use. Is STR/XLM different?

                      dzham OK, I think I finally found the missing piece. There was an address field on Polo which I had to expand first. It looks like XLM uses an address for the entire Poloniex exchange and then a memo id to distribute the tokens to a specific account within the exchange (which is indeed different than any other token I dealt with). I'm doing a test transfer now. Thx a lot for your assistance.