I'm new to this, so go easy on me if I've misunderstood. ?
I'm considering setting up and becoming an anchor / issuer
Is there a way to determine up my own fees? If not, what's the benefit of becoming an anchor. Are all anchors equal?
e.g. If Bank of England issued GBP then I'd trust this more than if Corporation ABC on the other side of the world who issued GBP?
So a user may be willing to pay a higher % as they know that they're highly likely to have their asset returned. But also, a corporation ABC might have much lower fees to attract buyers/users?
Is this purely down to the trust-line created by the user?
Also, can you only redeem your asset-backed token from the original issuer? e.g. could I redeem my BoE GBP from a different anchor? Will the stellar network always calculate the cheapest rate via the distributed exchange ?
Sorry for all the questions. I really like what the foundation is doing and hoping to bring my project to the platform.
Thanks in advance.