Hi! It's me again!
This time I decided to create an app that sends notification every time your wallet has new operations. Stellar Watcher doesn't require lumen transfers to work; just add your e-mail and wallet's public address and you're done!

So you're worried about your privacy. I get it! This is what you should know:
Both your e-mail and wallet public key are stored encrypted on the database.
You're still worried, aren't you? That's good! I give you a simple solution:
Create a e-mail account on GMail and forward every message from notification@stellarwatcher.com to your real e-mail address. Simple as that!
Remember: you can always unsubscribe and remove all of your data.
Next steps
- Make the frequency configurable (as it happens, hourly, daily, weekly, etc)
- Select which type of operations you're interested
Support webhooks (send notifications to a given url) [released on Feb 26]
You can visit it at https://stellarwatcher.com
Your feedback is greatly appreciated!