I have been an avid follower of Stellar since inception. Stellar has always sought to expand financial access by finding ways to distribute its digital currency, XLM, fairly and equitably among the world’s underbanked population and level the playing field to access financial services, while avoiding abuse and duplication. I think I just came up with a near perfect way to do just that!
While there are over 3 Billion active smartphones today, the number is expected to top 6.1 Billion by 2020, with most of the growth coming from less mature markets (1). With today’s world population just over 7.5 Billion (2), this presents a near perfect opportunity for Stellar to reach maximum number of world citizens using smartphones without worry of abuse or duplication.
How? Recent advancements in eye biometric scan applications ie. eyeD, that use AES 256-bit encryption, allow for people to create accounts using their eye-scan without compromising their identity. Stellar can even establish a grant to develop its own cryptographically programmed eyescan app that creates a lumen wallet based on the unique eye-scan. This will prevent any chance of duplication or abuse of distributed funds.
Do you think this idea can speed up the equitable distribution and adoption process?
- https://techcrunch.com/2015/06/02/6-1b-smartphone-users-globally-by-2020-overtaking-basic-fixed-phone-subscriptions/
- http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/