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Project title: Papaya anchor (
Summary: Anchor for BTC, USDT, LTC, ETH, KIN and other cryptocurrencies and tokens
Category: Applications
General goals for apay:
- Make most popular crypto tradable on SDEX
- Improve SDEX liquidity
Specific goals for the latest updates:
- Make all our code open-source, so everyone can use it for their projects
- Turn from static website with instructions into a functional exchange, rival to changelly, shapeshift and others
- Improve liquidity by attracting user funds and making opportunities for users to make money by providing liquidity
15 Feb - MVP of new anchor backend, functional for Testnet BTC (complete)
01 Mar - MVP of new frontend (complete)
15 Mar - Anchor backend fully functional for assets already supported by apay, like ETH, ERC20 tokens + KIN (partially complete)
01 Apr - New market-making service, inspired by uniswap, rewarding users for participation (complete)
15 Apr - Interactive flow (sep24) implemented for anchor backend (in progress)
01 May - Launch new frontend
May-June - Migrate to the new backend
Apay is one of the oldest crypto-anchors on Stellar network. I'm using that experience of running the platform for almost 3 years to build a new more-reliable and secure open-source version. Anyone can now start their own anchor by using our code.
We're also launching a new frontend for currency conversion on stellar DEX, interface is similar to changelly and similar services. You can now access liquidity on Stellar without making a Stellar account or establishing trustlines.
The latest batch of changes is a full rebuild of our platform:
Third major improvement - Market-maker service - for people who aren't technical enough to run something like kelp bot. Users will be able to commit capital and bot will do the trading following a simple, but effective algorithm. Users can withdraw their funds back at any time, and make some return on their investment. Provided capital is going to help liquidity on Stellar, while user funds are stored safely in a cold-storage.
Links: - new open-source anchor backend - new frontend with exchange feature - market-maker bot
Tags: anchors, node.js