Garth eQuid has a promotion running right now. You can earn it mlm style. Open an equid account and enter your address on the tier table. Enter the person's address who referred you. You earn for your referrals and keep on earning as your referrals add more referrals and so on. We are doing this promotion in anticipation of launching on an exchange May 1st. Your eQuid will be transferred to the exchange account. check it out
Garth You don't actually need a referrer but you are welcome to put my address there. garth* The site is down temporarily due to unexpected demand. Upgrading a plugin now and will be up and running shortly.
Garth Yes there is a fixed supply of eQuid. It is 100 million. This will be used to build and maintain the network until it is big enough to make either from exchange fees or membership fees. Some of the coins in the network will not have caps. They will start at 0 and be completely earned into existence slowly and with wide spread distribution. Through labor the value is added to the economy and society before the money is created and should not cause inflation. One of my beliefs is that money supplies need to grow to compensate for savings. The main thing I am trying to achieve with this system is facilitating action by the method of distribution and injection. Distribution and injection through "debt", like the US dollar works, well for some sectors of the economy but it turns people into consumers and promotes over consumption of a finite planet as well as income inequality. eQuid is attempting to fill the gaps left by our debt based system. So yes eQuid has a cap but only because it makes people more comfortable. It also give the eQuid admin a sense of urgency to stay within a reasonable budget.
jed What I mean is you can make it where someone looking at the network can tell that there is and only ever will be 100M eQuid. You can make it so they don't have to trust you to not just print more. Did you do that?
Garth According to sb there is a way I can guarantee a 100 mil cap. Haven't done it yet and am a little hesitant but it might help with my marketing efforts. Especially to gold system enthusiasts.
Garth go to the site, open an account, go to the mlm page, put in your address and a referral address if you have on in the mlm viewer. Sign up more people and have them put your address as the referrer.
Garth Welcome to those who are joining this forum to keep up with the mlm distribution news and to learn about trading at I will be providing some basic tutorials for trading but the purpose of this forum it to provide a place where we can all put our two cents in and help each other out.
manojvyas309 Dear Garth didnt get any info about further trading, how to withdraw and where all the eQuid coins shows in which exchange or directly from eQuid .co website? Let us know something about us as launching date is just near n coming tomorrow.
Garth I will be posting information in this forum and letting people know about new postings on facebook. If you haven't already you should join the equid facebook page and the facebook equid trading group.