I am removing this entry from the current SCF. If you have an interest in this project and would like to learn more, please ping me on Keybase at bgold
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Project title: My Conservation Life
Summary: Tokenize trees in a reforestation project so Stellar wallet holders can easily fund trees and have visibility into their growth.
Category: Applications
Goals: Develop a minimum viable product capable of:
· Allowing Stellar wallet holders to purchase individuals trees (non-fungible/unique tokens)
· Build a website where Stellar wallet holders can “log in” and each tree-token they own is a representation of an actual tree stored in a conservation database (link is below)
· Stellar wallet holders will be able to visually identify the tree they helped fund
Description: Hi, my name is Brian Goldberg, and I’ve been an active Stellar community member for about 2 years. Last year I partnered with the Seneca Park Zoo Society to create a tool that allows ecological donors to have visibility into their impact and provides scientists the ability to share observations in a single geo/spatial tool. In May we will be launching a tool that will empower Seneca Park Zoo donors to see their reforestation impact. Donors will be managed in a Salesforce-based solution I built and ecological assets will be stored in an open-source database built by Rochester Institute of Technology students. Ultimately, we want to empower ecological organization all around the World to use our tool.
Seneca Park Zoo Society leadership has agreed to expand our prototype to include Stellar wallet holders. One non-fungible token will be associated with one tree in the open source database. While the two prototypes serve two different audiences and use two technology stacks, ultimately we want to move towards a complete blockchain solution that closely connects a token to the actual tree. Additional ideas include providing NGOs with tokens and only allowing cash-out once their impact/work has been verified.
If we do not win this grant, we cannot support the blockchain prototype. The funds this grant provides will go towards several activities:
· Funding wallet minimums
· Encouraging additional development on the open source database
· Paying specialized developers to develop tokens, a Stellar-based login portal, and a donor management tool
· Creating a separate non-profit
· 100 Trees
· The open source ecological database: https://github.com/my-conservation-life
· Tom Snyder, my partner at Seneca Park Zoo: https://senecaparkzoo.org/our-stories/
· The unfinished Salesforce-based donor portal: https://myconservationlife.force.com/SenecaParkZoo
· Hans Woppmann, my partner and Stellar development expert at Blue Orion: https://blueorion.cc/#team
· A sample tree token: https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/TREE1-GCTREROAREHD2E4ZW2VRJPGL2VRRL4DUIB7RINVMDVS22U63DOG6X7D2
· Me, Salesforce consultant, podcaster, and wannabe Stellar ecosystem player: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briandeangoldberg/
Anything else: Creating and demonstrating ecological (and whole ecosystem including humans!) impact has motivated Tom Snyder throughout his career. His tenacity has generated partnerships in Tanzania, Madagascar, universities, zoos, IoT companies, and a wide variety of other organizations. Without him, this project does not exist. I would like to thank him for his bottomless motivation, curiosity, and desire to make an impact.