Lumenscan - lumenscan.io
Lumenscan is a ledger explorer for the Stellar network that allows you to explore and search the Stellar network for Ledgers, transactions, operations, accounts, assets.
To become a comprehensive tool for Stellar and help users find structure in the network. Users will enjoy working with the modern capabilities of Lumenscan.
We believe the project can be completed in four milestones:
- Designing the pages (Done)
- Implementing the pages in a static manner (Done)
- Injecting Stellar Horizon API and implementing the structure and database and server architecture (Done)
- Developing the project, add new features and increasing its performance based on feedback from the users and developers (In Progress)
In the future, Lumenscan will become more independent. For example, our tokens page and know addresses are based on the stellar.expert API but soon we will implement our own API.
How important is a blockchain explorer?
Almost every user interaction on the blockchain ends up in the explorer. That means, to check transaction status and balance, users need a blockchain explorer. Filtering, analyzing, and making sense of these heaps of data requires an engaging interface that does not frustrate the user. By developing an intuitively designed explorer, we can ensure that users have satisfying interactions with the Stellar Network and feel much more secure.
Does Stellar need a new explorer?
Absolutely. All major blockchains have several explorers. This lets users choose the one that they prefer and leads to more competition among development teams, which is, in turn, good for the users and the platform.
How can Lumenscan help Stellar?
When a blockchain fundamental tools are built by adhering to modern user experience principles, they can attract a wider community of users to the network.
These tools will help engage users that used to working with large payment networks such as PayPal, Visa, and Stripe, and propel Stellar to a leading global payment network,
Stellar already has a powerful core, and it can benefit from equally powerful design and user experience. Some signs indicate Stellar is ready for a significant upgrade in that area, like the recent logo and website redesign.
What tool did we use to build the Lumenscan?
To build this explorer, we used, React.js, Node.js, Stellar Horizon API and Stellar.expert.
What are our team's future plans?
Our primary objective is to develop and maintain Lumenscan.
We have detailed plans for the future to gradually roll out better and more robust features based on user feedback.
Eventually, we will build a complete and modern explorer based on user feedback.
Our team will develop a suite of other tools including a (desktop or extension) wallet in the future. Based on research and our skills, we are confident that we can contribute significantly to Stellar.
Magic Features:
• Light and dark themes
most modern applications allow users to switch between a light and a dark theme to improve readability.

• Beautiful and user-friendly design
by focusing on design and user experience, we aim to help users enjoy working with the Stellar network.

• My watchlist
allows users to bookmark and tag frequently used accounts. While preferences are stored locally on the browser.

• Responsive design
the responsive layout of the application makes it load perfectly on all devices. The content, design, and display are optimized for each device.

• Deciphering the blockchain
Lumenscan presents the Stellar blockchain in a way that is much easier to comprehend.

Other features:
Realtime home page
Switch between main-net and test-net
Show ledgers
Show ledger details
Show transactions
Show transactions for a ledger
Show transactions for an account
Show transaction detail
Show operations
Show 0perations for a ledger
Show operations for a transaction
Show operations for an account
Show operation detail
Show payments
Show payments for an account
Show offers
Show offers for an account
Show trades
Show trades for an account
Show assets
Show the number of assets
Show asset detail
Show count of accounts
Show account detail
Show signing detail like the weight of signers and thresholds for an account
Show data for an account
Show QR code for an account public key
Show known addresses (like exchange addresses Binance and …)
Show watchlist accounts
Show JSON format of ledger detail, transaction detail and operation detail
Show 7-day payment history (Not implemented)
Show XLM token price, volume (24) and market cap
Smart search
Product design
If you want to see more details go to the brand page

Logo concept
The Lumenscan logo is a crossover of two symbols:
(1) a smile, which is a sign of a joyful life around the globe.
(2) a cat, which is a beloved pet that everyone can relate to and remember.
So have a smile on your face, just like a cat 🙂

Final Words:
This is only the beginning of our project. Our list of features will continue to grow and we will continue to improve Lumenscan. But to become truly exceptional, Lumenscan needs your feedback. Your comments will help us get better. So, feel free to drop us a line and share what's on your mind.
Website: http://lumenscan.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumenscan
Medium: http://medium.com/lumenscan
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBMDxDT34ei9o7RhhFeeb8A
Keybase: https://keybase.io/Lumenscan