This wallet was hacked. Don't visit the website to check your balance! Your XLM will be stolen in the moment you login!
If you used Blackwallet in the past and have funds there, then login to Stellar Account Viewer to use them. If you don't login in the Blackwallet website your XLM is safe.
There's a script in the official Blackwallet website which will send all your XLM to a hacker's wallet immediately after you login. Please, use the official Stellar Account Viewer to check your funds and use them.

Hey! I'm Alexis, a French IT student and Stellar holder since 2k14 8)
I've been working on BlackWallet the last weeks/months, tried many things, started over again and again (dev routine ?) but finally, today, I'm proud to be here, introducing the first, but not least version of BlackWallet!
BlackWallet is a web Stellar Lumens wallet, it was built using javascript & stellar horizon. I like to describe it as an enhanced account viewer as it doesn't require users to create an account - all you need is a private key.
However the stellar's account viewer and blackwallet share no code at all, I built blackwallet from scratch.
My goal is to create an easy but powerful wallet with as many features as possible. The idea is that blackwallet could be used by new users for its simplicity while at the same time being used by the confirmed users for its advanced features.
That's ambitious I know. But I truly believe this can be achieved - at least, I'm doing my best to make it a better wallet everyday.
As I said, blackwallet is a web wallet, but can be used on any device that can execute javascript code - it can also be used as a web-app on iOS (by simply enabling the mobile mode in the settings and adding blackwallet to the screenboard).
I'll post here what I'm working on, the changelogs and what may come in the future - feel free (and I'd love that you do so) to post some feedbacks, ideas, bug reports here, this would really help! Many brains are better than one!
last update: November 2017 - v0.2.0
• No registration
• Sending and receiving Lumens, Assets, Tokens
• Multiplatform
- Usable on any device that can execute javascript
- iOS webapp
• Multiple accounts
- You can add as many accounts as you want and give them names to keep it organized!
(requires mobile mode to be enabled)
• Mobile mode
- Enable this mode in the settings to make your wallet(s) persists until logout
• Assets/Tokens support
- Sending & receiving
- See your balances
- Change trust lines
• Real time balances (+USD balance)
- Your balances update in real time, whenever a transaction is made,
your balances will update + your balance's worth is displayed in USD.
• Market choice for USD price
- You can choose the market to be used for the XLM<->USD rate.
currently 2 choices: coinmarketcap & kraken
• Address inspector
- You can inspect the holdings of a public address by
entering it in the inspector tool.
• Settings
- BlackWallet can be customized in the settings page
• Set inflation destination
• XLM/BTC/XRP data & charts
- Volume, market cap, usd/btc price, charts etc.
• Community integration
- Various links to Stellar related boards, social networks, exchanges...
- links are also used in some cases to provide more informations.
• Path payments
• Open federation
• Sending lumens to mail
• Merge account operation support
• Contacts
WIP & Planned features
• TRADING (being tested)
[fixed] (low) stuck on loading when browsing blackwallet with private navigation activated on iOS 10 devices. (probably related to localStorage)
[fixed] (severe) mobile mode broken
I am updating regularly the "Get Started" page, it's a FAQ for both Stellar & BlackWallet.
You can find it here:
See post #43
Last version: v0.2.0
Not all changelogs are listed here, some can be found in the posts below / some are not posted / some were removed (old ones but can still be found in the posts below)
- added a new tool: contacts, you can now add contacts and specify their address/federated address/email and memo
v0.1.8 beta changelog:
- improved overall performance (mostly for mobile use)
- added a pin encryption system when using the mobile mode, secret keys will be encrypted using that pin - for users already in mobile mode, you will be prompted to enter your pin = first time is to set the pin
- inflation address is now displayed in the settings (in the "set inflation destination" input)
- improved the inspect tool (now has json of the latest transactions)
- assets name, description & image retrieving improvements
- charts design was a bit improved (now fits with the website color scheme)
- added changelly in the commnunity section
- fixed some translations typo
- added path payments
- changed the way the sending form works
- changed "CONTINUE" text to "CONFIRM"
- inspect tool now support federated addresses
- fixed an asset loading issue's thread
BlackWallet: enhanced-account viewer -
Old thread (with old screenshots etc.):